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About Me


Hello, my name is Kent Kiyama. I am currently majoring in Accounting and Finance major at Shidler College of Business. Studying abroad at Keio University during the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters is a dream come true for me. Japan has always been a country that fascinated me, and being able to immerse myself in its culture and business practices is an rewarding opportunity.


Throughout my time at Keio University, I hope to expand my knowledge and skills in accounting and finance, while also pushing myself out of my comfort zone to grow personally and professionally. I am excited to explore the different aspects of Japanese business and gain a deeper understanding of global finance practices. In addition, I am looking forward to creating meaningful connections with fellow students, professors, and professionals in the field.


Overall, studying abroad at Keio University will allow me to gain a new perspective, experience a different culture, and challenging myself to become a more well-rounded and culturally aware individual. I am grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and cannot wait to see where this journey takes me.



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